
Kislun Alexander Valeryevich

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Individual Task

   - Composition of individual task

It is developed within the framework of individual task:
  1. Form which can be filled by any visitor of site with possibility of dispatch on e-mail
    {task concertedly with a lecturer}.

  2. The complete Ukrainian and English versions of site
    {the task is executed on own initiative}.

  3. Animation in the "Flash" format
    {the task is executed on own initiative}.

   - About a site...

This site - there is the individual practical task on the object "Network information technologies". Any information given on this page is confidential and that is not subject to copying and distribution in what not was kind. All and the names are invented and not as unconnected with the real persons. All coincidences are casual. Have and fun...

   - Please, fill a form:


 Sphere of activity:  


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Searching program in the Internet or internet-reference;
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Give please the comments (remarks, wishes or review of any other character) in relation to my site

If you want to subscribe to our delivery, put a flag (DonNTU© does not have to this delivery of no relation and that does not nowise carry what not was to responsibility for its maintenance, I am engaged in this question personally).

After pressure of the button to "Send" the information (in the case of absence of defects and failures in a network, able to abolish, break a secret or to some other to violate the process of sending) borne in a form to leave on my mailbox and after this time will be my own.


   - Animation in the FLASH format

The acquaintance with the "Flash editor" and his basic functions was the purpose of development of this animation. Thereby this animation is first my work in this editor, therefore large request not to judge strictly ...
... so meet: presentation of idea by winnowed V.I. Vernadsky is the "Heaping up star from the "living matter" is part of biosphere"
Endeavor to include fantasy and translate perception on the vivid mode
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